Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Race to Brittany

July 8-9, 2010

Brett drove...and drove...and drove while I sat helplessly in the passenger seat. I couldn't wrap my head around what was happening. To be honest, I still can't. I felt like I had been thrown into someone else's life and I wanted out! This kind of thing happens to "other" people, not me...not my family...not my little girl. 

I don't remember a lot about the drive back up to Illinois. I know I spent a lot of time crying, praying, pleading with God, yelling at God, questioning God, and then pleading some more. Why? Why her? Why Chason and his dad? None of it made any sense to me. Why???? My phone was ringing constantly with people trying to update me, encourage me or pray with me. But it wasn't until I received a call from one of Brittany's nurses that I realized how immediate my daughter's need for me was. "She's holding on for her mom," the nurse said. "We told her you're on the way and she's fighting...but hurry." Brittany knew I was coming! She knew I would be there soon to hold her. She needed me as much as I needed her. Yet we were still 10 hours away! I begged Brett to drive faster, but got scared when he did. The poor guy couldn't win. He never complained, though. 

While we were driving, I asked my dear friend Amy if she and her husband, Perry, would create a prayer page on Facebook for Brittany. I needed to get the word out about her accident and I needed people to start praying...and praying hard. My baby needed a miracle and I wasn't giving up. Within an hour of the "Prayers For Brittany Pritts" group page going up, there were already over 200 people who had joined. Within a day that number was over 2,000. And after only two days...over 5,000 people! That number would soon jump to almost 6,000! I was speechless...and humbled beyond words. People from all across the country were praying for my little girl. People who didn't even know her. It was amazing. Surely God wouldn't ignore that many prayers going up for one person! Brittany would be my miracle...because I refused to be in the "other people" category to whom bad things happen.

We drove throughout the night of July 8. Then...14 hours later...we pulled into Carle Foundation Hospital in Champaign shortly before 7:00am on Friday, July 9, 2010...19 hours had passed since the accident. We sprinted through halls and cursed slow elevators until we finally reached the ICU. I started pounding on the buzzer and yelling my daughters name until a nurse opened the door for me. Didn't they know the lengths I had gone to...had get there? I ran to Brittany's side and collapsed, holding her, kissing her, telling her how much I love her. I told her how proud I am of her for being so brave and strong ("Am" in the present tense because I still am very proud of her!). My little girl was wrapped in my arms where she belonged and I refused to let go. I was still begging God for a miracle...but thanking Him for giving my daughter the strength to hold on for me...however long that might be...

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